Is The Sault Tribe Board Slippery Or What?
Sault Tribe referendum approved by 71 percent of voters
Written by Jennifer Dale-Burton
Monday, 23 March 2009
SAULT STE. MARIE -Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians voters have approved Referendum 2008-262 so that the Sault Tribe Board of Director retirement plan will come into compliance with new federal tax laws. Over 70 percent of ballots received approved the referendum.
On March 20, the tribe’s Election Committee conducted a count for the referendum. Of the 4490 ballots received, 3187 approved the referendum and 1280 opposed the referendum. There were 23 spoiled ballots.
“As required, we received in excess of 30 percent registered voters who cast ballots, therefore, the membership has chosen to have the plan stay in compliance with the new federal tax laws,” said Election Committee Chairman Michael McKerchie. “Referendum 2008-262 is valid and binding in accordance with the Referendum Ordinance, notwithstanding a valid contest.”
That percentage is derived from the formula below:
3187 Approved
1280 Opposed
+ 23 Spoiled ballots
4490 Total ballots received. Then they deducted the 30 percent from the 4490 ballots received to get 3143, which is roughly 70 percent of those who voted.
According to the Constitution and Bylaws below the 30 percent should come out of those entitled to vote in such referendum and not the number of ballots received.
So what was the total number of those entitled to vote? As you can see from the above news article the Election Committee, Chairman and Board of Directors fail to mention the total number of registered voters in this Referendum.
When Tribal members tried to retrieve that number they were told that they had to fill out the proper paper work and say why they are requesting this information.
Many who called and left a massage for a return call went unreturned from Election Committee Chairman Michael McKerchie and the committee members, along with the Tribal Board of Directors.
However, some of those who were asked to stuff ballots said that they had to stuff 15,500 ballots for Referendum 2008-262.
So until we are told by the Election Committee or the Tribal Board of Directors how many Tribal members were registered to vote (thus giving us the real number of voters) I will use 15,500 as the number of voters.
30% of 15,500 equal 4,650
The amount received by the Election Committee was 4,490. That is 160 votes shy of 30%.
Again, the Chairman and the Board are running the Election Committee.
Let’s see the actual number of registered voters in the Sault Tribe!
Can anyone clarify the number of registered voters eligible to vote at the time of Referendum 2008-262 and how many ballots were mailed out?
Any enacted or proposed ordinance or resolution of the board of directors shall be submitted to a popular referendum upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the board or when so requested by a petition presented to the board bearing the signatures of at least one hundred (100) eligible voters of the tribe. Such referendum must be held within sixty (60) days after receipt by the board of a valid petition. A vote of a majority of the majority of the eligible voters voting in such referendum shall be conclusive and binding upon the board of directors provided, however, that at least thirty (30) percent of those entitled to vote shall vote in such referendum conducted pursuant to tribal ordinance.
This constitution and bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the eligible voters of the tribe voting at an election called for that purpose by the Secretary of the Interior, provided that at least thirty (30) percent of those entitled to vote shall vote in such election, but no amendment shall become effective until it shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Interior. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to call an election on any proposed amendment upon the receipt of a resolution passed by a majority of the board of directors, the chairperson having the right to vote thereon.
This constitution and bylaws when ratified by a majority vote of the adult members of the organization known as the Original Bands of the Sault Ste. Marie Chippewa Indians, voting at an election called for that purpose by the Secretary of the Interior, provided that at least thirty (30) percent of those entitled to vote shall vote in such election, shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior and, if approved, shall become effective from the date of approval.
Plans are now being made for a future Membership Conference/Workshop, on how to remove the entire Board and replace them. The Members have shown great interest in this. This will be a very complex process that will require Membership participation to achieve this goal properly. The days of Autocratic Governance need to come to an end, and we the Members are the ones that need to end it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, April 11, 2009 9:16:00 PM
If this is indeed what the Election and Tribal Boards have done, then there needs to be some outside intervention.
I would put nothing pass the present sitting board! I believe they all have to be removed and I do mean all of them.
30 years of the same old board and their close relatives, friends and their family’s friends has to stop.
777 million dollars in debt has wiped out any hope for the common member of the Tribe for a better lifestyle in the near future.
Are they going to make the Elder's payment tax free like this referendum made their Board pay tax free of taxes?
It never amazes me to think that at this point of time in our history the Sault Tribe Board of Directors are thinking only about them when it comes to the entire membership.
Posted by
Donald |
Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:06:00 PM
Mike McKerchie is totally useless
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 10:55:00 AM
Mike McKerchie, Joe McCoy and the Board of Directors took an Oath to protect the interest and assets of the membership/shareholders of this Tribe to the best of their ability.
Well! They have FAILED and it is time to show them all the door.
The way we can accomplished this is by putting all our difference aside and work together for one common goal.
Posted by
Debra |
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 4:09:00 AM