They Had A Dream
For years Bouschor, Teeple, and Diaz worked diligently on a plan to provide for future generations of the Sault Tribe. Not one of them were prepared to step into the real world of business. They were a heist waiting to happen. This article focuses on Allard Teeple who is being considered for employment by the Tribe or Greektown.
The VIP Packages
Allard Teeple was given wide discretion in his business deals on the behalf of the Tribe. Teeple, while the assistant to the Chairman would often be seen giving away top dollar VIP Gaming packages to all his friends. It would be quite common to see Allard and Bucko Teeple going back and forth down the rows of slots depositing free tribal funny money. They were there for the money only and couldn't get enough.
The Barge
Allard Teeple was involved in some major projects that were huge failures for the Tribe. Teeple along with Bouschor has a long history with the Greeks, dating back to the barge deal. Regardless of the huge failure of the barge, many of them on the barge list remained employed for the Tribe for years. Many were paid out when they exited the Tribe.
The Testimonial
The below was written by a longtime player in Greektown:
Allard Teeple and his brother Bucko came rolling into the Sault from Bay Mills in late 1989, and somehow (I don't know) got into Bernard's circle. In the spring of 1990, an office was built in the old Pepsi building on Ashmun that the Tribe had purchased, where the cleaning service was located. They had formed "Four Winds Development," and they were going to lead the Tribe into many many great economic ventures. We used to joke that Bernard bought them each a polyester suit and a pair of shiny shoes, and got them a multiple line phone.They never delivered one successful venture, but got the Tribe involved in a number of fiasco's, like Pontiac Plastics, according to sources.
Four Winds had been closed in, 1992; Bucko got religion and became a medicine man for the Sault Tribe, and Bernard sent Allard to Detroit as basically a lobbyist for Indian Casinos there. I suppose because this initiative had been hatched by Ted Gatzaros, Allard spent a lot of time with him. In August of 1998, the Indian Casino initiative had been voted down, but three privately held casinos had been approved, and Greektown had been selected as one of the developers. Bernard always believed the Greeks were essential to success in Detroit, because of their political connections with the city and state politicians, so I suppose Allard was allowed, or maybe instructed, to court their favor.
The whole time in Detroit, Allard wasn't effective at anything. A typical Allard move was to convince Bernard that a contractor out in Clinton Township was THE guy to build our Casino, so Bernard instructed personnel to go up there and meet with him. They did so, and were told he wasn't even interested in our Casino, but he would like to help the Tribe if he could. He also told them that he believed the only reason Allard sucked up to him was that he had lots of Red wing tickets! (which Allard gave away as political favors to himself). Allard did spend a lot of time with Ted. So, Allard was largely ineffective until mid 2002, when he took a stand on something contrary to Bernard's wishes, and they tangled. Bernard told him to resign, but Allard wanted a $100,000 separation settlement. Allard came in Bernard's Office demanding the $100K. Bernard told him that he (Bernard) was only authorized to transact up to $50K, and that Allard had better take it as he had no friends on the Tribal board. Shortly after, Allard did leave, and started a consulting company working out of the Greeks' building. I don't think he ever did anything in that business.
So, here's the spin on the Tribe today, with respect to Greektown:
When the Tribe partnered with the Greeks to propose on an Indian Casino. the Tribe was to own 80%, and the Greeks 20%. After that was shot down we partnered with them to propose on the non-Indian Casino; however, now the Tribe was to own 50%, and the Greeks 40%. the remaining 20% was owned to local politically correct individuals. The successful Greektown proposal called for a development costing $618 million; The Tribe's share of that would be $309MM! However, they bought out the Greeks and several partners, so while we don't know for sure, the Tribe's stake in Greektown Holdings was (until this week) at least 90%, which should be worth a minimum of $550mm, based on investment. They've sold 40% for $100mm ($79 + 21).That means if the hold 45%, it is worth about $112 million. That's a far cry from $550 million. ALSO, the Tribe has personally borrowed money to plow into Greektown, which hasn't been paid off. So what is the actual equity, anything at all?
In January of 2005, there was a strategic planning session at the Treetops Resort in Gaylord. The purpose was to develop the Tribe's strategy for going forward at Greektown. Representatives from Merril Lynch, the financing agent, offered a proposal to sell Greektown (there were buyers at that time), pay off all our debts, including the Greeks, and the Tribe would have $206 million left. Fred Paquin asked how much income that would produce, and the Merril guy (Tom Baldwin) told him about $16 million per year. Fred said "That's not enough. Our membership demands more than that." So Baldwin said: "Why don't you take the $206 million, and build an Indian Casino in Romulus?" Bear in mind, that we wouldn't need a hotel, or as much parking. We would not be subject to the Michigan Gaming Control Commission, or the 48% tax Greektown is now paying. Also, the most lucrative segment of Greektown's customer base, the Chaldean sector, lives in the Dearborn to Romulus area. By this time, Governor Engler had approved a Romulus Casino, and this was well known.They projected that this Casino would produce as much as $70 million per year, after debt service!! They sat down, and eyes turned toward Aaron. He said nothing, and did nothing, so after about 30 seconds, Marvin Beatty, one of the local partners, said that the current Greektown management also had a proposal, and would present it. So Craig Gelphi, Bruce Dall, and Cliff Vallier got up and proposed that Greektown stay where it was and expand, and they would buy the City parking structure, tear it down and rebuild it, and build a hotel on top of it - basically what they're now doing. This was really interesting, as Cliff took credit for coming up with the idea of moving to Romulus in 2002. In the meantime, he had transferred from the Tribe to Greektown, and had been appointed Director of finance, and now makes $380,000 per year. Craig Gelphi makes over $600,00. How long would they keep their jobs if the Casino were sold? Do you think that had something to do with them bucking the sale of Greektown?
End Of Testimonial
Two Different Plans
Teeple and the Tribe apparently had two different plans. This made it impossible to proceed successfully in a direction that would benefit the Members. Bouschor sat by idly while they destructed the tribe. Below is an article where Teeple and Hatch disagree on the plan.
Teeple also said that the Greektown casino should not be moved to the riverfront.
“That’s just my personal opinion,” he said.
We asked John Hatch, Chippewa tribe spokesman, what he made of Teeple’s comments.
“That’s not our position. Our position is that we look forward to moving to the riverfront.”
After all the failures by Allard Teeple with the Sault Tribe, Why would he even be considered for any position? There is only one logical explanation. That Teeple has the goods on his longtime friend Bouschor and Bouschor needs to deliver. On the night of the BOD induction of 2008, Teeple was seen mingling around with Bouschor in his polyester suit. He was not the only fly there that night.
The BOD needs to learn from their past mistakes. Making those mistakes over and over again is not the solution.
Keep the riff raff out for good !!!
Allard has been an animal of opportunity all his life. His own Tribe doesn't even want him.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 23, 2009 1:16:00 PM
Most of your summary is correct. However, Allard got a lot more than $50,000. Because Bernard could only spend that much at one time, he made several payments to Allard over the course of a couple of years. In fact, Aaron uncovered the payments when he took office. I believe Allard got something like $250,000.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 23, 2009 4:11:00 PM
Allard Teeple has two faces.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 23, 2009 7:08:00 PM
You would think Allard teeple would defend himself. Maybe it is all true and there is nothing to defend. Probably the case.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, January 24, 2009 11:42:00 AM
Teeple is arrogant just like Bouschor and Pavlat. With Pavlats background he shouldn't be anywhere near culture. Bouschor should not be on the Board either. He is suing Greektown in which the Tribe is the majority owner. I guess the Board is to dumb to realize that.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, January 24, 2009 5:51:00 PM
They all play this game of theirs and don't even realize the people see right through their bullshit.
Hell! They can’t even look you in the eyes, the ones that do are seen as ghosts of greed.
These people have fleeced the Tribe long enough and it's time the whole dam bunch gets thrown out on their ass!
Is this why you want a Sergeant of Arms Hoffman? You already have the Police there. Or do you need this jerk to pick on our Warrior Women?
When the Warriors decide to gather no Sergeant of Arms or Police will want to interfere!
You all get paid way too dam much just to sit on your ass and think of ways to fill your own bank accounts.
So start looking after all the membership, especially the Elders and children!
You can start with a pay cut and replacing those at the very top in the ivory towers.
Mr. McCoy you are a big disappointment at this point of time!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, January 25, 2009 3:34:00 AM
If they wanted to better the Tribe, you would think they would resign. Why resign from the easiest job in the world?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, January 25, 2009 11:13:00 AM
Paquin will bring them down with him.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, January 25, 2009 12:34:00 PM
Response from Allard Teeple:
It is a fact that the individuals who put forth this information are
cowards. Attach your real name to it if your not. They chose to hid
behind a nickname, alias, or just outright anonymous. My name is
Allard Teeple and I approved this message.
Thank you for that wonderful testimonial. That truly is a fine piece
of HIS STORY. Perhaps this is the first draft of the Tribal History
the Tribal Board of Directors authorized back some time ago to the
tune of $26,000.
A colleague once said any press is good press.
I will be happy to defend myself and my efforts when the time is
appropriate. You will hear many a different spin as to what has and
is transpiring. The motto of this site is If it is not a fact it must
be fiction. Please bear that in mind.
I am currently in negotiations with the Tribe to develop some
business solutions to consider. There is no agreement unless both
sides have agreed to all the elements. Speaking of them or publishing
them before they are agreed too is considered negotiating in bad
faith. A standard business practice in today's business society
Therefore I will not comment at this time.
If as much effort that went into writing this negative piece were
properly placed in providing solutions perhaps we would be stronger
for their effort.
It is my suggestion that those who choose to make this their business
then by all means please see your board of directors, and ask how you
can help. It is well known that the Tribe is currently seeking
solutions to its current position in the business environment. Your
solutions and thoughts are just as important as anyone's.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, January 26, 2009 12:14:00 PM
Allard if you are such a hot commodity why are you panhandling a job from the Sault Tribe?
One would think your own Tribe, Bay Mills would be interested in your ass kissing or any other Tribe with Casinos.
Are you sure it was business you studied or was it politics? Either way you suck at both. A worthless ass kisser would fit your job description just perfectly.
You say this site is about facts, then why don’t you put some facts out instead of hiding behind secrecy? It is a fact that individuals who hide behind secrecy are indeed cowards also Teeple.
In fact it was Bernard Bouschor and yourself that kept a lot of secrets from the membership. That is why we are in a huge dept today because of cowards like you two or should I say thieves.
Or is that "a standard business practice in today's business society" or did you mean a standard Tribal business practice!
This current Administration like the past ones are following that same path of secrecy and the membership are not to happy about it!
If they hire your stupid ass they need to stand in the unemployment line where they sent so many others.
By the way why did you ignore the other accusations against you Allard? Like the VIP Packets and the Barge issues or is that a secret too or even a criminal act.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 6:32:00 AM
Hang it up Allard. The Members know you are a user and a non-producer.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:00:00 AM
I have no respect for the guy. He always tried to pass himself off as embracing traditional values. Well, when his wife was here taking care of his children, he was downstate living with some woman. He literally put his wife through hell, until she got tired of him and finally left.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 5:28:00 PM