It Remains The Same
Voters Not Getting Promised Changes
The Agenda
The McCoy Administration mirrors the last two failed Administrations in almost every aspect. Cronyism, nepotism, and favoritism have continued on the same road to nowhere. No accountability, no responsibility and no business sense continue to plague the Tribe to it's almost inevitable demise.
Will it ever stop? Only if the people are bound together in one common cause to overthrow the Chairman and the Board of Directors. We need not agree on anything, other than the fact everything is remaining the same and something needs to be done about it now. United we stand, divided we fall. History tells us that.
With Greektown near it's end, the Sault Tribe Membership could very likely be stuck with the bill, while the Board and core families continue to benefit as they have traditionally done in the past. The main problem and the problem that's always haunted us is the presence of Bernard Bouschor in our political and business ventures. Bouschor's failed the Tribe horribly and continues to receive support from his band of cretins who have shared the wealth with Bouschor all along.
The Sault Tribe Board and Administration are the laughing stock of modern civilization. With a ballpark debt of 777 million in Greektown, our Northern Casinos may very well be in jeopardy of getting lost in the slew of bad business deals Bouschor created in the past two decades.
Reports have came in that Aaron Payment the Tribes BIGGEST LIAR is back. Apparently Payment's political activities at MSU didn't jive with the University's mission, and he was sent packing. A short test revealed that Payment could not make it in the real world. So back lying to Tribal Members he goes. The Members must not forget the barrage of Payment lies that got him elected in the first place. Hundreds of promises were made, and not ONE was kept. Like the McCoy and Bouschor Administrations, the Tribe went through some very embarrassing moments under Payments version of a Autocratic Government.
Moving Into The Future
The Tribe over the past 10 years has been in limbo. Locked in time over the past and unable to move into the future. The vicious cycle of nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism prevents any forward movement. The same lies by the same liars. These same liars prevent any credible Members from obtaining a seat on the Board, unless the dough is falling out of their pockets. Very little is leaked outside the core groups and factions the Tribe is comprised of. Therefore, replacing the core groups is virtually logistically impossible.
We must always keep in mind, that the Bouschor, Payment, and McCoy Governments are reflective of each other. No forward momentum has been achieved by any of the past or present Governments. No future plans have been shared with the Members. More of the same information control that's left Members in the dark for decades.
Growing-up Is Hard To Do
Most humans grow-up long before they get in their 40s and 60s. Not Bouschor and Payment. When something goes wrong they blame it on the other. The article Playing The Blame Game On Misplaced Land Casino proves just that.
History tells us that this is the game Bouschor and Payment play. History also tells us that Bouschor and Payment have conspired for years. Prior to Payment becoming Chairman, he was Bouschor's right-hand man. These two parasites feed off each other.
Call To Service
What can the Members do? Well, a variety of things can be done now. The suggested ideas are how we can help.
1. Vote. Vote on everything and anything the Tribe sends you
2. Pay attention. Pay attention to the Tribal paper and website, and see what the Board is conspiring to do. Stay informed
3. Call your Directors and get them on record for any of your concerns. They are only a phone call or an email away
4. Share your ideas with others
5. Report to your State and Federal Legislators any violations of the law you know of
6. Be patient (at least a reasonable amount of patience)
7. Question your Board Members actions
Plans are now being made for a future Membership Conference/Workshop, on how to remove the entire Board and replace them. The Members have shown great interest in this. This will be a very complex process that will require Membership participation to achieve this goal properly. The days of Autocratic Governance need to come to an end, and we the Members are the ones that need to end it.
Stay vigilant and participate in this movement for real change.
Do you think you can get past your unqualified dislike for people who also want to overthrow the current tribal government or is this an effort solely for your own gain? How close do you remain to the Causley's?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, April 13, 2009 10:33:00 PM