Joe McCoy
Will Joe McCoy follow in the footsteps of Bouschor and Payment, to become the next Tribal autocrat? He certainly is deploying Information Control into his doctrine. The same Information Control Bouschor and Payment deployed. Which is well documented in the below article from 2001.
What Really Is An Autocrat?
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines it below.Main Entry: au·to·crat Pronunciation: \ˈȯ-tə-ˌkrat\Function: nounEtymology: French autocrate, from Greek autokratēs ruling by oneself, absolute, from aut- + -kratēs ruling — more at -crat-Date: 18031 : a person (as a monarch) ruling with unlimited authority2 : one who has undisputed influence or power
On the outside it appears Chairman McCoy is working hand and hand with the Board. We believe his cooperation with the Board is selective, and only beneficial to certain individuals or certain groups.
Grant it, this Administration led by McCoy made some serious layoffs. Some were essential and perhaps others were political. The retention of certain employees comes to mind. The tough decisions on the Board regarding terminations, or demotions of Key Employees is yet to be made.
In a youtube video below, Chairman McCoy feels that a separation is necessary. What is necessary, are efforts to separate those powers. The video right now is a lot of talk. Chairman McCoy needs to make an effort to back-up his words.
The people of the Tribe have been dictated far to long. We must seek and demand a Democratic Government, by the people and for the people. Since Bouschor and Payment each opened the rolls, the Tribe is now doubled in size. The rolls need to be closed for good.
On Rumors
There are definitely a lot of rumors going around. A good way to prevent them is to communicate effectively. Many people in the Tribe want to know what the Board is doing. The non transparency of the Board is a major problem for the Membership. In the youtube video below Chairman McCoy states he likes to settle rumors. Again he is failing to do just that. The Tribal paper is only a place for the Board to spread their uncensored propaganda. It is highly doubtful that Chairman McCoy even writes his own reports to the Members.
On The EDC
Joe McCoy states that there are plenty of opportunities for Native Businesses. He says at the same time that the Tribe should have their own Construction Company. Well, tough to do Joe when you lay them all off except Lenny Adams. Many Tribal Member Sault Tribe Construction workers had over 20 years in for the Tribe, and were laid off. A comment from one worker was "I'm moving on. Everything is all screwed-up and there's no end in sight." Sad to hear from someone who had over 20 years of dedication to the Tribe.
Lenny Adams showed up at the time of the fire at the Sault Casino in 2004. Prior to this, Adams operated several Construction companies that failed. Adams was part of the Paquin/Bouschor package. Adams was on Bouschor's Campaign Committee and was the Chairman of Paquin's Campaign Committee. Adams was accused of taking trees from two of our Tribal entities, to put in his own yard. He is also accused of using Tribal personnel and equipment to plant the trees in his own yard. The Chairman and Board after being presented with a preponderance of evidence, seem to think that stealing is okay.
The Chairman and the Board need to take advantage of the current buyers market. There are many businesses and homes facing foreclosure nationwide. With the purchases and improvements of these dwellings, many Tribal workers could once again be employed. The economy should rebound in a short time. For once the Tribe has the chance to diversify in a buyers market.
What an opportunity. There has been no effort to diversify the Tribe. The Tribe is rich in educated and talented Members, that have yet to be tapped. Many Tribal Members are well educated to include those with MDs, PhDs, Masters Degrees, Bachelor Degrees, Associate Degrees, and Certificates. To include also highly skilled Craftsman in the following areas. Carpentry, Electrical, Mechanical, Masonry, Auto Mechanics, Dry walling, Cabinetry, Machinists, Iron Workers, and various other skilled areas. Will the McCoy Administration tap into these resources?
On The Tribal Paper
It looks like those Board Members who submitted Unit Reports in the Tribal Paper, are all in lock-step. Each report states "So and so reports to the Membership" Did this Board establish their own militia? Whatever happened to Freedom Of Speech? However, this reader did observe some noteworthy statements.
Chairman McCoy says the following about communication:
Some members have voiced their concerns about lack of communication from our leadership to our membership. Since becoming elected, I’ve communicated and answered questions as much as the laws allow. By that I mean, I answer every question asked of me, with few exceptions. While some may not be satisfiedwith all the answers and explanations, I will always be honest in my actions for our tribe.
Some members request proprietary information, like those related to employment matters. We are not at liberty to discuss any employment matters with the general public; this information is protected by federal law. Some business actions are proprietary for purposes of maintaining competitiveness and improving our negotiating ability. We do understand there are some communication issues and we are working to address those deficiencies. If there are particular issues that you would like to know more about, please let us know and we will do our best to address your questions and concerns. We have a newspaper that goes to every member’s household and the paper is our best communication tool.
Mr. Chairman with all due respect, the Sault Tribe is a Sovereign Nation that formulates it's own laws. Although some may request what is viewed by the Administration as proprietary information, not all that is requested is. In no way should the records of 2% distribution be proprietary. Neither should the Employee base wage, to include many other things alluded to by the Chairman.
Two peas in a pod
Bernard Bouschor reports: There was a time when we as leaders, members and staff had a common goal to build the tribe, protect and preserve our assets, expand services and provide employment opportunities in government and businesses.This, unfortunately, is not the case today. We can do it again; we did it in the late ’80s. We identified issues at the community level,
employee/staff level and the tribal council level.
What we found is three very different agendas — progress was slowed because we were working against each other. The tribe resolved the differences and established and approve done agenda with common goals. Our success in the ’90sis a direct result of having common agenda with goals and objectives.
So debunked Chairman and Director Bouschor, how do you suppose the Tribe got where it is today? Did you not lead the Tribe in the 80s, 90s, and the early 2000 years? What has changed about you Director Bouschor? Nothing!!!
The only difference now is you are a Director. You have managed to start-up where you left off. Tribe still in a mess, lawsuits still pending, and the core families still in charge. The only people fooled were in Unit 1 where Director Bouschor dispensed most of his favors during his dictatorship. How foolish of them I say!!!
More and more the Culture of the Sault Tribe is diminishing. In the past year there have been a minimum of 5 resignations from the Cultural Committee. All related to the Cultural Directors refusal to work with the Committee. This Director Cecil "lit" Pavlat is on a serious ego trip. With more than a million dollars budget, "lit" feels he should not be accountable.
Anyone responsible for a million dollar budget needs to be held accountable. This person’s ego is exactly what the Tribe doesn't need. We have had our share of narcissistic people and we don't need anymore. The Board and Chairman are well aware of the problems with Cecil Pavlat.
Of course McCoy will follow in Bouschor's footsteps. He is already walking in his shoes. After all he is a McCoy. They all think the Tribe began with them. They seem to believe that they have special privileges and that the rest of the members are just stupid. Hey maybe Lynne Weaver is a McCoy.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, February 15, 2009 7:42:00 PM
Of course McCoy will follow in Bouschor's footsteps. He is already walking in his shoes. After all he is a McCoy. They all think the Tribe began with them. They seem to believe that they have special privileges and that the rest of the members are just stupid. Hey maybe Lynne Weaver is a McCoy.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, February 15, 2009 7:42:00 PM
Cecil is not the Director!
He is Mr. Egg-Gro-Culture himself.
Just ask those that were confused by the shit he spread. Some of his loyal followers even thought it was good shit that he passed on too them. They learned a lot from him.
Some would gather around in a circle and "Lit" (Cecil) showed them how to put their faces in the snow. One person said it was an uplifting experience but left her without any zhoon’yaa for the next week.
Lit, did you make sure all the participants got recognized or did you just point out a few selected ones?
Didn’t one of your sister’s participate in a selection process also?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 1:14:00 AM
Hey Lit! Why don't you answer the above questions from the person that calls you Mr. Egg-Gro-Culture?
Could it be he/she is telling the truth about you!
What did he/she mean by making sure you and your sister recognized all the participants?
“Lit” could you tell us why your father was honored with a Sault Tribal card and what he did to receive this honor?
Come on now Cecil! With all your great wisdom and the 7 grandfathers teachings one would think you could come up with some answers to these questions.
If you decide to crawl out of that hole you put yourself in I will have some of my own questions to ask you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, March 26, 2009 6:36:00 AM