It appears there is some big problems with our Cultural Division. It seems that certain factions are claiming ownership. Apparently this Tribe is made-up of individuals and not people. Where have the values and traditions gone?
Chairman Joe McCoy is well aware of what is going on and has been. Now it takes all this hate to bring it to the forefront. This all could have been avoided by the Sault Tribe Board. No one person or faction should ever have so much power, NEVER!!!
We will see if the Tribal Board puts the Culture to forefront. No backdoor deals, but deal directly with the problem now.
Below is an email string between Cecil Pavlat and Nathan Wright. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
From: Nathan Wright
Subject: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 5:18 PM
For your consideration.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Nathan Wright
Sent: Thursday, January 8, 2009 5:12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Sault Tribe Culture Committee Chair woman's resignation
"Corruption is a tree, whose branches are of an immeasurable length: they spread everywhere; and the dew that drops from thence hath infected some chairs and stools of authority." - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher.
Nathan Wright responds to Cecil Pavlat's e-mail on culture committees chair woman's recent resignation and the culture committee problems (both e-mails follow mine):
Aniin Cecil, I read your e-mail below, you and I see a very different world when it comes to the culture committee and it is members (current and former). I would expect more integrity from a person in your position. Perhaps you did not make it to all the meetings to see what I seen when I was the Vice Chairperson of the Culture Committee? You said of Jackie Minton, "I know that you do your best to honor our way of life." Is the following honoring our way of life?:
- Not allowing other culture committee members to post items on the agenda?
- Lieing to the tribal membership on the Stop Bear Hunting ad in our tribal paper on page 5 of the Sept 5th, 2008 edition of our paper. Jackie collaborated with Bill Bouschor ( Sault tribe political dissent) on this ad. The ad read: WE HUMBLY ASK YOU TO DISAPPROVE RESOLUTION 2008-157 The ad was signed: S A U L T TRIBE CULTURAL COMMITTEE (even though not everyone on the committee was even told about the ad including myself who was the vice chair at the time).- Not working cooperatively with the other officers and some committee members?
- Made up rules as they go along?
I do not see the Anishinabe way of life with the previous Culture Chairwoman's above actions. Manipulation, intimidation and conspiring is not our way of life! Allowing this to continue to happen and not say anything is not our way of life either. So I write...
I am sure the former chairperson (Jackie Minton) of our culture committee did contribute and help out with culture outside of the culture committee. However, many of her actions while serving as Committee Chairperson on our culture committee in my opinion did not warrant her as a person who honors our way of life. Dishonorable is a word that comes to mind. At least certainly not by me and others on our committee, because of the above items mentioned. She could have done a lot, but instead divided our committee. But was it all her fault? I would say not totally, she followed the instructions of a well known political group and made her walk into this mess.
Cecil as you very well know there is an active political group in our tribe. Part family, part friends. Certainly a group who wants the rest of us to see things their way. And if we don’t, they will do anything to discredit us. A group that feels because they have worked for the tribe longer than most and thus feel they are more entitled. A group that does not give unconditionally, but has expectations. A group that says only they can do their job and no one else. A group that operates arrogantly and without any regard for their fellow tribal member. A group that perpetuates THEIR WAY OF LIFE, NOT OURS! No sir, I do not see the Anishinabe way of life in any of this groups actions including taking control of the culture committee which is currently failing.
Cecil it is strange to hear you say: "This committee began to demand of the Cultural Division and this community, "RESPECT" Respect is earned not demanded." Who has demanding respect? I never heard the culture committee demand respect from you or anyone else. Can you provide us with examples?
Cecil you also said: "Many times I was chided by this committee for not including them in my plans and or not inviting them to certain functions, well when I did invite this committee, not many showed up anyway." Cecil, can you give us specific examples and I will address? I recall when you were mad at the culture committee about something and you tried to move us over to the admin building. By overwhelming support the culture committee disagreed with your suggestion. Is this what made you mad at the culture committee?
My opinion is the culture committees (and other committees of the Sault Tribe) bylaws need to be rewritten and more importantly, the board needs to step in when things get out of hand as they may have done in this case. Cecil, we never found your policy and procedures for the Cultural Committee and I do agree they were needed. I am sure if there was such a document, they would have helped us out. I know me Randy and Les wanted to work on this with Kristi Little but then that was shelved.
It was the September 5th, 2008 Bear hunting ad in our tribal paper that led me to send an e-mail resignation to the cultural committee to bring to light the corruption on our committee. My resignation was not accepted by the culture committee secretary. Later I withdrew my resignation (before it was submitted to the board) only to have this political group follow through and accept it as I and other cultural tribal members watched. In October of 2008 I submitted a request to be back on the culture committee directly to the Sault Tribe board secretary Joanne Carr (Cecil your sister) who has not responded to the status. Is this our way of life or yours?
Cecil, it's frustrating to me to see my Father's vision Mike Wright as well as other cultural elders who are now passed not come to fruition either. And that is all Native American people in both the Sault Tribe and Mackinac Bands learn their culture and be treated fairly. And why isn't a painting of he and others on the cultural building walls? Again, you offer your way of life, not ours. Back in the 70’s there was unity between the two groups. Now there is only fighting. You, have some influence in this area, can you work with me to help end the fighting with positive actions. Embrace those you are politically against would be a start.
It is up to each one of us individually, to extend our love, drop our differences, support one another and work together. Cecil, when will this happen? When will you stop and really talk to someone like me rather than feed the community with sugar coated fried bologna? It taste good but it sure makes for a lot of hot air. Cecil, you are crane clan. So am I. Yet why do we stand divided? You know my number. I have called (or e-mailed) you, Jackie, Cathy Devoy over the past two years and not once have any of you responded. Also you knew I have been on the committee for a long time and you did not even send you’re below message to me. So where lies the problem? Arrogance is not a part of our culture. Apparently I and other tribal members whose sole intent is to allow for fairness to exist are considered enemies of the state. The state being the small political yet active group.
Miigwech to the warriors who stood together to end corruption on our culture committee. We will continue to stand united watch and point out corruption if it continues.
In closing I believe Jackie is a decent human being who was caught up in this charade. What has happened here with not only Jackie’s resignation but others is a major hit to our culture. Deja vu this has happened several times before with people like Cathy Devoy at the helm - when will the board take corrective action and prevent our culture committee from being controlled by this political group from continuing to happen? Does this group have so much power and influence that our own board is afraid of them?
Now we can try and work together to fix it, or just perpetuate what has been happening for several years. Ultimately our tribe is running itself into the hole using the current methods. I have stated this over and over: This is a time we should get along, not fight. However based on past experiences I don’t think anything is going to change soon. But I remain optimistic. People know the truth regardless of whatever is said. Cecil thank you for sharing your insight. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Ba ma pii,
Nathan Wright = no fried bologna here
--- On Tue, 1/6/09, Cecil Pavlat
From: Cecil Pavlat
Re: Culture Committee Resignation
Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 9:11 AM
It is with regret that I respond to this email, Jackie, Miigwech for your commitment to our Culture and Anishinaabe Bimaadiziwin. I know that you do your best to honor our way of life.
It is frustrating to me to see so many good people apply to this committee only to quit because of what appears to be friction and or personal disagreement. We need to respect each other and our right to our own opinions.
I think somewhere a long the way, this committee some how lost the original focus of what this committee was suppose to be. This committee came out of the desire of George Nolan to incorporate more of our Traditions into our Tribal government, as well as assist in assuring our Cultural Traditions were perpetuated for the next "Seven Generations"
Some how this committee thought that they were more than advisory in capacity, it was George's original intent for this committee be there to assist in answering questions and assist in directing our Tribe when questions of a "Cultural Nature" came forth. I was there when George approached Tom Peters with this idea. I, along with Tom Peters and Renie Shipman were the only ones currently employed under the newly formed "Cultural Division" We worked to develop the Policy and Procedure for the Cultural Committee, with input from George Nolan and other community members.
No where was there intention for this committee to be oversight in nature, yet this committee began to demand budgets, question strategy, question the integrity of certain individuals, as well as attack certain individuals. No where within our Anishinaabe Bimaadiziwin is this type of behavior acceptable.
This committee began to demand of the Cultural Division and this community, "RESPECT" Respect is earned not demanded.
Many times I was chided by this committee for not including them in my plans and or not inviting them to certain functions, well when I did invite this committee, not many showed up anyway.
I am sorry to vent in this way, I apologize to any I may have offended, it is not my intent. I am only stating my opinion, right or wrong.
I believe that this committee could make a difference, if it got on the same page with what the original intent was when this Committee was formed.
-------Original Message-------
From: Jackie Minton
Date: 01/05/09 19:32:41
To:; Lana Causley; DJ Hoffman;;;;;
Cc: Bernard Bouschor; Cathy Abramson; Denise Chase; Dennis McKelvie; Joanne Carr; Joe Eitrem; Darwin McCoy; Keith Massaway; Patrick Rickley; Shirley Petosky; Tom Miller; Bernard Biron; Cecil Pavlat; Elaine Clement; Joanne Carr; Josh Homminga; Kristi Little; NancyDebassige
Subject: Culture Committee Resignation
Please accept this as my formal letter of resignation from the Culture Committee effective immediately.
To those committee members that serve on this committee with respect, integrity, and who are actively living our Bimaadiziiwin I say miigwech and offer my support.
To the Cultural Division I have great respect for your commitment and unending energy to give unconditionally to our tribal members. I may not have received all the teachings that many of you have and I may not have received them in the manner that you have however, I support you in all that you do and am grateful that you are there to help tribal members. If at anytime I am able to help through volunteer work in an area please do not hesitate to call me.
To our Tribal Council I say miigwech for giving me the opportunity to serve on this committee. Traditional Tribal members look to you for leadership and a commitment to keeping this way of life for seven generations. Please be sure to keep that in mind when sitting in council and making Tribal decisions.
Know that I am committed as well as militant in passing our Traditional Ojibwe way of life, ceremonies, and teachings to our children or those that seek the knowledge in knowing who we are as a people.
At one time or another you have all held an outstretched hand or arm to me and helped me in my times of happiness or trouble. You have helped raise two beautiful, and proud young Anishinaaabe women as well as an older one! Miigwech for your teachings and I will see you along the road, or dancing in our circle. I have served on this committee with pride and commitment to my tribe.
With care and love,
Jackie Minton
It really is sad to see people who call themselves "traditional" behaving like children by pointing a finger at someone who they wish to be like... that is my opinion... Nathan wishes he could be like Cecil, the problem is he knows he that he is a stones throw away from being a completely insane. I'm tired of tribal people looking at my family through blood shot eyes. They are thirsty for blood. They are like vampires who only come out when the skies become dark because in the light, they'd be exposed for their true beings ... ugly with hate, deceitful beyond measure with untold ambition to devour their victim. I see through you Nathan and in time, so will everybody else. As for others who wish to drag my family through the mud, get in line. While we are busy serving the tribal community, taking care of another's business before we take care of our own, letting the hate roll off like water on a ducks back, while we choose to continue to serve, to strive to make another person's life better, we find solace in our own family. Our family is strong because no one can break our spirit. Our spirit is of love, compassion, truth and respect for others. No one can break our backs because we are there for one another. I love my brother and even if he was all that you say, I'd stake my life on the fact that you Nathan Wright are the liar, the green with envy monster that we as family can only muster to wince and carry on our mission to improve the lives of others. Try as you might, shame will never fall on our backs. Anyone who knows my family knows that we in fact put others first... then we take care of each other. Put my face on your Indian nickel... if that is what I am worth in your eyes, it's more than I could hope for... but know this... I am my family, my family is mine and you will never, ever succeed in defeating our spirit. Nor will you ever succeed in breaking my brothers spirit because when he falls I'll be there to pick him up and brush him off because that is what I do best... I know what it is like to have my name tarnished by people I've called friends. I learned how to get back up and brush myself off - but only with the help of my family was I able to do. That is my vow, to never allow anyone to drag my family where I have been. I'm there to catch him... so go ahead and push all you want!! I'm there waiting. Peace and Love to you all! ~ Diane Pavlat
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 09, 2009 8:53:00 AM
You sure put a lot of stock into your Brother even knowing about his past. Wasn't he a security guard for the Tribe at one time?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 09, 2009 9:35:00 AM
Tony Grondin wrote:
Nathan and all who care about culture,
Nathan I agree with much of what you have said about the two individuals you direct your emotions at but I see it just a little different. I would first like to address the resignation submitted by Jackie Minton.
The passion, compassion and heart felt statements Jackie made in her resignation are the Jackie I had the privilege of working with and sharing workshops with. Not the Jackie I saw conducting the Cultural Committee meetings. Her resignation saddened me not because she resigned but because she wrote all the things she wants to be and can be if she follows her heart and not the prodding of others. I believe what she wrote is what she practices while raising her two beautiful young daughters not what she practiced while committee chair. I believe that while in her element of mentoring young people she is as good as they come. It is my belief while leading our culture committee she allowed others to influence her better judgment and as a result there was precious time lost.
I would also like to say that some cultural committee members that could have stepped in and had a positive influence rarely attended the meetings. I believe our cultural committee is now taking another step backwards. It is still my opinion we still do not have the leadership we need and are losing more committee members that could help. We certainly don't need committee members that discriminate against tribal members that are light skinned. That way of thinking doesn't accomplish anything. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the Tribal Chair and BOD to make the necessary decisions to make change if they feel it is needed. So far they have not taken a vested interest as far as I'm concerned and it is reflecting that now. I feel it is in the best interest of the culture committee that Jackie has stepped down but at the same time feel that if she practiced and meant all that she put in her resignation she would still be committee chair.
Nathan the other individual you refer too, Cecil Pavlat I do not know as well. I have had personal contact with Cecil in the past and have always felt uncomfortable. I'm certainly not intimidated by him but always have that feeling that I am below him. Nathan, the response you posted that Cecil shared with others about Jackie's resignation is much of the same as Jackie's as far as practicing what he preaches. I feel what Cecil stated is very profound and done with wisdom but unfortunately I have not personally witnessed any of that wisdom being practiced when I was addressed by Cecil. Personally I feel Cecil has accomplished great things for our tribe and has represented our tribe in a good way outside of our tribe. I feel that tribal members that want to be part of our tribe but don't meet Cecil's expectations for what ever reason, Cecil makes it very clear in his actions that your not welcome. The things Cecil said about our Anishinaabe Bimaadiziwin I have heard from many others, most of who practice it. The actions of Cecil that I witnessed at Greenough a few months ago does not reflect what Cecil portrays himself to be in his e-mail to Jackie about her resignation. Our Anishinaabe Bimaadiziwin teaches us many things and Cecil stated, "We need to respect each other and our right to our own opinions". To disrespect a cultural teaching of the medicine of Woodland Sage or Pearly Everlasting practiced by another is in my opinion disgraceful to our culture. Regardless of what Cecil feels about me he over stepped his bounds and disrespected what he of all people should respect most. In Cecils profound statements to Jackie he said, " This committee came out of the desire of George Nolan to incorporate more Traditions into our Tribal government, as well as assist in assuring our Cultural Traditions were perpetuated for the next "Seven Generations". To me this means to all of the four directions and colors not just a select few in and around Bahweting. The desire of George Nolan was not reflected in the By-Laws of the Cultural Committee that I read. Clearly there is a misconception that the BOD needs to clarify so the committee can move in the direction it was intended.
I have had the honor of attending many cultural teachings and practices at the Culture Camp on Sugar Island. Most of them hosted by Traditional Healer, Harlan Downwind. I did a spring and fall fast there where many as far away as New York, Indiana, Minnesota and California attended and participated. Not once at any of these gatherings did I see anyone from our Cultural Department except Cathy Abramsom. When the teachings and practices were being shared it was not always Harlan that conducted them. As a true teacher he delegated responsibilities to others that wanted to learn. Harlan was always there to help and guide. We have Sweat Lodges at least once a month in Indian River where Tony Davis pours and everyone has alway been invited and welcomed. We occasionally have Lodges in St. Ignace where Dave Hahaj pours. I have no tribal lines I feel I cross as some in our community feel many of us do.
So when we speak of a "political family and friends" dictating our culture and traditions I disagree. They dictate to those who choose to be dictated. The traditions and teachings are out there in other places that are being passed on as of teachers before us wished. When we go to these other place however it does beg the question of why we can't get them in a good way in our own community. Those that gather in all cultural and traditional communities are well aware of those that are genuine.
It may not reflect in this e-mail what I feel is really wanted by all in all communities and that is we ALL want to be accepted, respected and wanted. Other than our elected officials never have I seen any individual or group exclusively represent or tribe in any of our traditional gatherings like we see now. We will soon have new ideas and guidance in our Cultural Committee, lets hope that things will change in our community.
Tony Grondin
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 09, 2009 2:49:00 PM
Wasn't he a security guard for the Tribe at one time?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, January 11, 2009 5:00:00 PM
Wasn't he a security guard for the Tribe at one time?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, January 11, 2009 5:00:00 PM
Didn’t he work in supplies? Because I heard he supplied the Casino and customers with his product.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:44:00 PM
Cecil Pavlat is one arrogant person. Could you imagine if God carried such arrogance? Hang it up Cecil, you are not qualified.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:52:00 PM
Actually, I did comment to Tony Grondin and we are meeting in person to
discuss this and other things further.
If you know I found "culture" after my accident, how does that impact
how I believe now.
I never said I have always been "cultural" in fact, it is the Culture
that saved me, I was an alcoholic and drug addict, I have never denied
that, in fact I have talked about it many times at many gatherings.
I may be wrong in your eyes on my view of Cultural activities and
responsibilities. But, isn't that what makes it my view, does my view
have to be the same as yours. I am not saying my view is right, you are
saying my view is wrong.
I think I have stood up for my actions and I am responsible for them,
who else would be?
If you are a real man,(and don't put words in my mouth and say I am
saying you are not a real man) why don't you identify yourself??????
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, January 16, 2009 8:23:00 PM
The Pavlats are one of those families that have a strangle hold on the Sault Tribe.
You would be amazed at how many of their family members and friends they have working for the Tribe.
That is why they are so arrogant when it comes to those who do not fit into their broken circle of deceit and backstabbers!
When it comes to you standing up for your actions and being responsible for them, I would have to say you have a lot to learn Cecil.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:58:00 AM
Why was your father a non-native made an honorary Sault Tribe member?
I do not recall him doing anything for the Tribe that would justify such an honor.
Or was it because his last name was Pavlat? And that gave you the right to do whatever you wanted within the Tribe.
That is where your problem comes in with the membership. You think that you can do anything you want within the Tribe and not be held accountable for your actions.
You are a divider Cecil not a person that brings unity.
So get over yourself!
You are nothing more then a fake in my eyes when it comes to the Tribe.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, January 19, 2009 10:05:00 PM
Cecil Pavlat has many secrets that people don't know about. If they did, they would think much less of him.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:09:00 AM
There is a sex offender that resides at the same address as Cecil Pavlat.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, January 22, 2009 12:38:00 PM
If Jackie Minton resigned from the culture committee, then why do they still have her listed in the tribal paper as the contact person for that committee?
Was all this just some sick elaborate plan to weed out the culture committee members that Cathy (McCoy) Abramson and Cathy (Nertoli) Devoy didn’t want on the committee?
As far as I’m concerned culture is dead in the Sault Tribe, until other true culture people are given the same chance as the ones that seem to always retain their seats while others resign.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 12:27:00 PM
Isn’t it ironic how the same names just keep coming up? Like just recently in the Governmental controlled Sault Tribe paper on how Tony Nertoli and Lori (Pavlat) Jump were promoted to Judges of the Tribe.
These appointments were made by the Board of Directors and sworn in by Joe McCoy.
Thus telling the membership that the Board and McCoy still do not believe in separation of our governmental and judicial system.
Some of the membership are saying that they would be prejudged by these two before they even step foot in the courtroom. That is the problem with political appointments.
These should be elected positions by the membership, then again that would take power away from the core families and they sure can’t have that can they.
Posted by
Tim |
Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:02:00 AM
Mr. Pavlat,
When you stated:
"I think I have stood up for my actions and I am responsible for them,who else would be?"
Do you think you did the right thing when it came to the boy you hurt.
Because I hear you are running from your responsibilities when it comes to him.
A friend of the family.
Posted by
A friend of the family. |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 5:20:00 PM
Needing a "committee" to preserve tribal culture is ridiculous. There are many people living in the right way now. There are many people who are passing along the culture without pay or recognition. Find those authentic persons and ask for thier help. Let people come and make summer camp together without "controlling" them. Do you realize a person cannot come onto tribal land and simply erect a shelter? Natives cannot come onto Native land and make shelter!? That is so strange and "un"cultural as to be laughable. Tribal buildings built of toxic materials, land paved over, square boxes made of chipped up wood to house Native Children and families? We have poisoned our own land, we sell GASOLINE!@!! and yet we argue over culture. WHAT culture? When I look over to Sugar Island why do I not see bark shelters along the shoreline? Why is this city devoid of any apparent Native presence? This tribe is what it has always been, a construct of the dominant culture, and lacking in any true vision of what it is to be Native. We argue like white men amongst ourselves using white men's political structures and white men's cash as our exchange. What has become of my people?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:52:00 AM