Was This In The Best Interest Of The Tribe?
In the below link you will see that Bernard Bouschor had a history with the Greeks for nearly 20 years. We had them over a barrel. They contributed a measly $24,500.00 and were not qualified for a license through the MGCB. So what does Bouschor do for his longtime friends? He bails them out costing the Sault Tribe a quarter BILLION dollars. Whether Bouschor did this without the Boards knowledge is questionable to date. Bouschor became a legend in his own mind. Now could the minority partners interested in buying Greektown today be the Greeks? They certainly wouldn't forget their longtime friend who rolled their investment over a hundred times plus.
Tribal Members became wise to the corruption and took friendly action, to be ignored for 4 years. The Board became totally ignorant to the Members and passed laws that would prevent two thirds of the Members from running for office. At the time nearly three quarters of the Boards blood quantum was questionable to include Bouschors.
That wasn't enough though. Many of the Board Members held high paying jobs within the Tribe and figured they had more coming. So they gave themselves a 33% raise retroactive for 5 years. While at the same time cutting jobs. All complaints fell on deaf ears.
Information Control
Payment Is Now A Bouschor Deputy
Bouschor becomes the ultimate dictator and demands all information go through him. Of course Aaron Payment was the first to complain, so Bouschor makes him his deputy and the word from Payment is mum.
Tribe CEO Rules With Iron Grip
Bouschor was making multi-million dollar deals at times without the Boards knowledge. Bouschor became paranoid and demanded a tighter grip. Information that should have been made public to the Tribe and Members was no longer available. Board Members who challenged Bouschor were removed from office. The wealth was in one place and it certainly wasn't with the Members. Fifteen years after the first Casino opened the majority of the Members still qualified for some kind of Federal assistance. Bouschor left most of his dirty work up to John Hatch.
Conflicts Run Deep On Tribe Board
Deep Conflicts
Bouschor now had control over every aspect of the Tribe. That included the now suspended Chief Of Police Fred Paquin who befriended Bouschor and exposed only what Bouschor wanted to be exposed. Bouschor in return covered up Paquins many unethical actions. Many crimes against Indian people over the years went unnoticed at Bouschors discretion. With no separation of powers the Tribe was lawless.
Tribal Businesses Contribute Only $30 Million For Programs
Big Profits With No Returns
Minimal benefits were received by Tribal Members. At the same time Bouschor was donating money left and right to his special interests. His pet peeve project was Big Bear Arena. Bouschor would often be seen there watching his son play on the team the Members paid for. Once his son left the team Bouschor could no longer be found there. The coach of the team was making $60,000.00 a year more than other coaches in the league.
http://www.detnews.com/specialreports/2001/chippewa/sooservices/sooservices.htmThe Almighty Board
This body eventually found out what Bouschor was up to. What did they do? Nothing. Because Bouschor through Nepotism, Cronyism and favoritism gifted the Boards friends and families with high paying positions and jobs they would never be qualified for in the real world. Many of those gifted are still deeply placed within the Tribe. All these Board Members were accessories to crimes against the Members.
Why We Are Where We Are Today
Had we not paid out the Greeks at a quarter billion plus, we would never be in the position of a forced sale of Greektown. Bouschor and Bouschor alone brokered that deal. All the rest was residual foolishness by Aaron Payment the Chairman to follow Bouschor.
Now we have a Chairman with some integrity who is left to clean-up a mess that there is nothing left to. This Chairman should immediately call for Federal intervention and hold all the people aforementioned accountable for crimes against the Members of the Sault Tribe. Bouschor should immediately be suspended from the Board pending an in depth investigation.
Detroit Pushing Greektown To Sell
Minority owner Ted Gatzaros could move to take control of ailing Casino. Was this the plan all a long, since the conception of the Greektown Casino?
http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081009/BIZ/810090394&imw=YQuote From A Former Manager At Greektown
1. Bernard - His piss poor deal for 260 million with the Greeks (which although I have no proof I will always believe he was well taken care of on that) and his greed in sucking an 800k salary when he should not have gotten a penny
2. Aaron - He had every opportunity to stop the mismanagement at the property and failed miserably. He could have listened to what tribal member employees told him, cleaned house on the management, and saved the property
3 Greektown management - in particular Craig Gelphi who made lots of money for himself and his friends, ran the property into the ground, and has announced his retirement effective 10/31.
We suck at running business.
Bernard Bouschor is the Tribes biggest problem. In fear of job retaliation I will not post my name.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, October 11, 2008 9:54:00 AM
When Bouschor was inducted to a Board seat, you should have seen all the Old Guard that showed up.
It was sickening! To see all those leeches slithering around.
When Bernard Bouschor returned so did nepotism, cronyism and favoritism.
It is nice to see the truth about Bouschor for a change, unlike Big Billy’s site of BS.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 5:51:00 PM
Hey Bernard! If you care so much about the Tribe, why don't you drop your lawsuit for 3 million you have against Greektown.
When is enough enough? You are nothing but a lying thief!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 6:04:00 PM