Should The Members Be Concerned?
The Chairman’s Seat
With the abrupt resignation of Darwin J. McCoy, the Sault Tribe is again facing another major problem.
With a broken Constitution that contradicts itself throughout the document. Its left open to interpretation by a lame duck Board in which none of them know the law of the land they were elected to uphold.
How this is to be remedied should be quite interesting to say the least. The lack of leadership on the Board is evident in this time of crisis.
Is the Board sleeping again? At the time of Darwin J. McCoy’s election his title was and still is up until his resignation Chairman/CEO. In McCoy’s resignation letter (below "click to enlarge") either he or someone else crosses out the title CEO twice. Not only was this intentional, but suspicious.
The resignation letter itself raises up a huge red flag. Charles Forgrave’s speculation that McCoy may have used Tribal funds to pay an Attorney for his company raised another red flag. The shady deals the McCoy Administration entertained during the past 3 years is also concerning.
The Board is entrusted to protect the Tribes assets and lookout for its best interest. There is a strong possibility the Sault Tribe was violated with the resignation of Chairman/CEO Darwin J. McCoy.
No one person should yield so much power. Companies like Enron and Tyco were ruined because of the lack of accountability.
Conducting a complete investigation and audit would be the appropriate thing to do at this point.
The Board owes this to the Membership.
I thought the Captain was supposed to be the last person to leave the ship? Do you think he thought there were only the RATS left on Board?
Election time is a year away and its time to start exterminating the rest of the RATS that was left on the Board, especially the older ones that do not believe in Term Limits!
Posted by
Friday, July 01, 2011 1:22:00 PM
The tribal attorney that jumped ship before McCoy was found floating in a TribeTanic lifejacket.
The attorney might have been in trouble if it wasn’t for the lifejacket! The attorney was found wearing only a tie and a large money belt.
Quitter McCoy is back on land. He still faces a boatload of problems though.
Care to let the membership know more of why you quit Joe? If so, drop us a message in this forum or write the Sault Tribe Facts Team.
You sure at the least owe the membership that much!
Posted by
Updater |
Thursday, July 07, 2011 6:13:00 PM