Incentive Program
Subject: Fwd: letter
From speaking with Joceyln Fabry and Courtney Kachur, I am deciding to foregoing a second notice to the effected team members regarding our reduction this year in the Board initiative and the discontinuing of the initiative for next year. The reason is that our rationale for discontinuing is that this payment constitutes a percapita. Given we have determined this is a percapita, the remedy is to request a revenue share plan. We do not believe the BIA will approve a revenue share plan for Tribal members only who work for the Tribe. Continuing the program for Tribal members versus non Tribal is tantamount to creating justification for non-Tribal employees to want to unionize. We simply do not have enough Tribal funding to payout all adult members of the Tribe similiarly to just those Tribal members who are employees. Thus, a revenue share plan for the incentive is seen an impossibility.
However, given we know that a distribution to segments of our population and not all, is probably a percapita, we can most likely conclude that the Elder dividend supplement (from gaming revenue to arrive at $1,600) is probably also a percapita. Thus, we are planning to approach the BIA to get approval on a revenue share plan for the elder dividend supplement.
Thus, we are holding off on publishing anything more difinitive regarding revenue share plans until after the January elder dividend distribution such that we don't jeprodize this year's payment. We are researching the process and plan to approach the BIA with our request togain approval on a revenue share plan for our elders only. Given, everyone stands to benefit eventually, we feel we will not have any difficulty getting their approval. Quite frankly, I am confident that if we had a referendum on the Elder dividend program, that we would geta landslide support. If there are any questions, regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks.
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 10:00:30 -0500
Subject: letter
I am requesting clarification on whether you want legal to draft a letter to the BOD Initiative recipients to include with the checks? The legal dept is waiting on direction from the board on whether the letter is a good idea and if we should include the letter. Please advise.
Twinkle toes was a liar the day he came out of his Mothers womb. He's an embarrassment to the Sault Tribe. The people do not deserve such an evil person running the Tribe.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, October 25, 2007 5:51:00 PM
Payment knows he has lost all support from the local membership. That is why he is lying to the membership at large.
The Payment Plan is and always has been to divide and conquer the membership. Just like his predecessor Bouschor who like Payment is part of the old guard of the ivory towers.
Hopefully the at large membership will see through Payment's lies and come together with their Northern bothers and sisters to oust this dictator!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, October 29, 2007 5:23:00 PM
Greed and Ego come to mind
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, November 03, 2007 11:02:00 PM
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 10:52:33 -0500
Subject: Fwd: letter
From speaking with Joceyln Fabry and Courtney Kachur, I am deciding to foregoing a second notice to the effected team members regarding our reduction this year in the Board initiative and the discontinuing of the initiative for next year. The reason is that our rationale for discontinuing is that this payment constitutes a percapita. Given we have determined this is a percapita, the remedy is to request a revenue share plan. We do not believe the BIA will approve a revenue share plan for Tribal members only who work for the Tribe. Continuing the program for Tribal members versus
non Tribal is tantamount to creating justification for non-Tribal employees to want to unionize. We simply do not have enough Tribal funding to payout all adult members of the Tribe similiarly to just those Tribal members who are employees. Thus, a revenue share plan for the incentive is seen an impossibility.
However, given we know that a distribution to segments of our population and not all, is probably a percapita, we can most likely conclude that the Elder dividend supplement (from gaming revenue to arrive at $1,600) is probably also a percapita. Thus, we are planning to approach the BIA to get approval on a revenue share plan for the elder dividend supplement.
Thus, we are holding off on publishing anything more difinitive regarding revenue share plans until after the January elder dividend distribution such that we don't jeprodize this year's payment. We are researching the process and plan to approach the
BIA with our request togain approval on a revenue share plan for our elders only. Given, everyone stands to benefit eventually, we feel we will not have any difficulty getting their approval. Quite frankly, I am confident that if we had a referendum on the Elder dividend program, that we would geta landslide support. If there are any questions, regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks.
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 10:00:30 -0500
Subject: letter
I am requesting clarification on whether you want legal to draft a letter to the BOD Initiative recipients to include with the checks? The legal dept is waiting
on direction from the board on whether the letter is a good idea and if we should include the letter. Please advise.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, November 23, 2007 4:53:00 AM