Casino Complaints
I would like to offer my opinion regarding the resolutions that pertain to drug testing. I support discontinuing the testing. I believe we should only maintain reasonable suspicion. We aren't afforded the luxury of pre-employment testing for two reasons. The first reason being that our population in the Upper Peninsula isn't large enough to support this kind of policy. The second most important reason is it greatly reduces employment of Native Americans. The settlers introduced addiction to the native people. This kind of policy doesn't help that problem it only adds to it. How does denying employment to native people based on generations of addictions a good thing.
Regarding the random drug testing. This policy is an inherent invasion of privacy. When the settlers arrived it started a down ward spiral of devastation to all native people. They gave us addictions in order to take our land, our families and our language. We now fight to regain all of these things. When the Board instituted this policy it was a serious blow to the moral of the people. To be under a magnifying glass by your own people is deplorable. Yes there are problems with drugs and alcohol, but this policy isn't going to fix anything. The U.S. government is unable to win the war on drugs, so what makes us think that a policy like this will have an impact on the problem? It will not! I thought we were all working to help each other and make better lives for ourselves. Was I mistaken? That's what makes us unique from the Corporate world. We are friends and families and we should always try to do what is best for each other. Ever since this Administration took office three years ago nothing positive has happened. Businesses have closed and jobs were lost. Positions have been eliminated and again people have lost their jobs. Drug testing was implemented (more people have lost their jobs). The initiative has been taken away, which basically has taken away Christmas for the working class poor. The Board spends more time arguing and disagreeing, when they should be productive and helpful. As a result they can't get anything productive accomplished. They spend more time and money on past issues. This has hampered them from making good sound decisions towards positive growth. Just watch any televised Board meeting and you will know what I am talking about. Our Board and their constant bickering, airing of their personal problems and backstabbing embarrass many people. We are all adults and this kind of behavior shouldn't be happening. You all have important work to do. Please let's focus on doing it with honor and integrity. I implore you to take a positive step in the right direction and eliminate this policy. We need to start the healing process somewhere let the change in this policy be the beginning of that process. Maybe people will start volunteering to help with events again. We all know that volunteerism is at an all time low. I would say that the constant blows to our spirit have had a great impact in that area. Reasonable suspicion is justifiable as any employer has every right to discipline someone who comes to work under the influence. That also applies to abuse of substances while on the job. Please give the people back their inherent right to privacy. What someone does when they are off the clock should be their own business. If they have a problem then law enforcement will catch up to them eventually. Please show the people that you do care about them and that you're not trying to finish where the settlers left off. Haven't we been degraded and victimized enough. Please lets not do it to each other anymore.Thank you for your consideration of my opinion. I can only pray that you will all do the right thing. Please bring some level of hope back to the people. Our spirits desperately need mending. I don't think that we can take much more negativity.
Miigwich for your time.
Last night while driving towards the Casino I saw Paul Currie the Beverage Manager staggering his way down the road to the Casino. He has harrassed help in there in the past while drinking and should be terminated for this.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, December 24, 2005 7:50:00 AM
I was told this morning that Paul Currie was fired a couple of weeks ago. He should be barred from drinking in the Casino too.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:41:00 AM
Denise Chase is known to sway the other way when she needs political favor. Like her daughter becoming the St. Ignace Casino manager with only a few years experience!
How many better qualified members were passed over because of this kind of practice? This is a great example of what the membership is trying to get away from, nepotism, cronyism and favoritism!!!
This is one issue you should keep in your mind.
Denise Chase is up for election!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, February 13, 2006 2:33:00 AM
way to go kewadin "business of the year"
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:18:00 PM
Way to go employees! There are no doubt you where behind this achievement. They should give you all a big bonus! Just like the Tribal Board gives them selves for doing nothing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:11:00 AM
Did the parking lot get approved to change? Who approved the "go ahead"?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:26:00 PM
We are put through drug testing and Director Gravelle that backed the drug testing gets caught with drugs. You know what! You can take this job and shove it. I quit and advise my friends to do the same until the rules apply to everyone. This is why we need a Union like the Greektown Casino. It sure is nice sitting here enjoying a drink and knowing I don't have to get up for work. Especially for a job that wants to control what you do after work. I been wanting to say this for a long time and I hope you don't censer me for it. Payment you can kiss my ass and get someone else to work for your Dicktating ass.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 02, 2006 3:22:00 AM
Do we have to give up more of our Treaty rights to get the parking lot changed to a gaming lot?
What a mess!
Has anyone even looked at the shuttling of elders and physically challenged patrons to the casino and then back to the new Hotel? The casino vans are so hard for even the physically fit people to get in and out of, how are the others to get in and out of them.
I challenge the Board of Directors to get into some of those vans and see how it feels. Our patrons are supposed to feel like "royalty" when they use our facilities, not a bunch of "junk". What happened to "good customer service".
Sounds like the left hand doesn't know what the right one is doing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, June 16, 2006 10:43:00 PM
It is a big shame what the Elders and Disabled have to go through. The problem that the Tribal Board has is putting their close relatives and friends in these jobs. These people do not have a clue on how or what should be done to better the lives of the Elders and Disabled. They need experience people with fresh ideas to realize these problems and actually do something to help. It sure is not hard to see what is needed like new vans and better pay to the employees to raise morel to the point that they actually enjoy their jobs. In turn this would trickle down to better service and the Elders and Disabled having a better time at the facilities. This would also contribute to better revenue when everybody is having fun and enjoying him or herself. Will this happen? Probably not because they are too interested in providing their close relatives and friends with this service.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, June 19, 2006 4:46:00 PM
I think it is worse than that! When ever has anyone been treated like royalty at any of the Sault Tribe Casinos? You can't take G.E.D. graduates that have never been to a nice hotel/casino and stick them in black and white and expect them to know how to treat people. Why not use the jet to fly the employees out to Vegas so they can see how they are suppose to speak and act around costomers?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:15:00 AM
They should drug test upper management. A lot of problems are coming from the select few. They can start with Prenny! Use every day employees are getting tired of being tested well other people that should be seem to get out of the testing. So if you want people treated right then start by treating all employees equally.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:30:00 AM
New employees act excited as they finaly have a job with the casino.
Unbeknownst, they have been castrated of thier dignity and integrity.
"AT WILL DOCTRINE" included in the manual is overlooked or never looked at by all employees.
You employees are now subjugated "AT WILL" for any reason or no reason as stated in the doctrine.
The only rule that is mandatory for the tribal casino to abide by is the liqour laws and paying unemployment.
Most likley near entry doors not so obvious to anyone,a sign will say, not regulated by the State of Michigan.
This in a round about manner proclaims that the tribal casino does not honor the equal opportunity act and is not required to.
You have no protection nor does any customer have any rights or protections, that enters a tribal casino on tribal land. Enter at your own risk!
Do not feel bad when you are terminated for any reason or a manufactured reason just to make it look official.
No matter how faithfull you have been and done an excellant job, the board will not make an an attempt to protect you if you are not related to them and even then they may not.
If the board would ever get off thier asses and perform the duties they swore to uphold ( Representation ) you may see a difference in your benefit and a difference in the attitude of the administration and the managment toward you.Until that time expect to be treated like shit "AT WILL" just because they can, and they want you to fully understand and realize thier dominating powers over you.
A Totalatarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seiz the human soul. Your employer the tribe, regulates every realm of your new casino, job,life.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:04:00 PM
Word is Management at the Casino under the direction of Allan Bouschor and Prinny Sawaysky will not let the employees take restroom breaks.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:17:00 AM
I say again, that is illegal by State of Michigan Labor Laws. Get a Union and stop the torture. Drug test all those leaders! REQUIRE IT! And fire them. Set the workers free.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, July 23, 2006 3:44:00 AM
What are your thoughts about Alan Bouschor and Prinny Sawaysky?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:14:00 PM
They both should be fired! Neither Alan Bouschor nor Prinny Sawaysky puts in a full days work. But yet they are paid for a full day. You have to look at their Bosses and wonder why they are allowing this to happen. I say fire the whole upper management and replace them with honest ones. That would be a great step in the right direction. It would show the rest of the employees that if you do not do your job you would be gone. No matter who you are or what your last name is! It would also help the morale of the rest of the employees when they know everyone is being treated fairly.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, July 28, 2006 3:08:00 AM
I see several board members do not open their mail or just do not have the concern or time too.
It is time for evaluation and a raise for the casino workers.
$3.40 per gallon of gas.
This figures out to about a lose of $ .40 cents per hour if you can get by on 1 gallon of gas per day to go back and forth from home to work, that is if you get about 15 miles per gallon with your junker.
Those of you who live in Kinross will be hurt the most, and others whom live out of town.
You front line workers have been losing close to 40 cents per hour ever since the price jumped to about $2.95 per gallon.
At $4.00 to $6.00 per hour wage, the cost of a sitter, and many other small ticket expenditures, you should expect to receive, at least a 10% increase in your wage, and that is only to get by with, and no frills or McDonalds happy meals.
This is not where it stops, as you will see an increase in food, and many manufactured good.
Customers whom travel will also feel the effect and this could mean a decline in patronage and the amount spent to gamble.
Reality is folks!
Do you think the $70,000.00 board members and $100,000.00 chairman and his affiliates will feel the crunch? Not likely as they most likely, have already been taken care of.
Just some plain and simpleton reasoning eh!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 1:51:00 AM
Tony Goetz has the balls of a chipmunk. He is trying to screw the Employees out of their vacation time. When Employees ask for vacation they are denied because of incompotents like Prinny Sawasky who value their time more than the Employees. Does anyone know what Steve Sprecker does other than hide in hide office?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:09:00 AM
The postings on the blog are currently being moderated. Some off the wall faction keeps posting vulgar and inappropriate posts that are non-factual. Sorry for any inconvience this may cause.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 9:10:00 AM
The Kewadin Casino Employees would like to wish Aaron Payment and the Board of Directors a Merry Christmas.
Because of the Incentive cut this year we will not be enjoying Christmas like we were use to doing, as we will be limited in helping Santa provide for our children.
We should get use to it anyways! Because next year when the Incentive check is cut all together Santa will have to lay off some of his Elf’s. I hear they are getting tired of it anyways.
We just ask that you think of your employees and their children when you all get together on Christmas Day to celebrate with your family and friends.
We surely will be thinking of all you elected officials when we gather together this year to watch our children open their gifts from Santa.
Merry Christmas
Kewadin Employees
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 12:32:00 AM
Millions have been lost at the St.Ignace Casino
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, October 21, 2006 11:37:00 PM