
** SAULT TRIBE FACTS ** Sault Tribe Members Approved The Lansing Casino Project 3,947 To 2,311 Disapproved ** SAULT TRIBE FACTS **

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 

Sault Tribe Passes Amendment!

Sault Tribe separates Chairperson/CEO position!

(Click On Image To Enlarge)

Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. - Evening News

Voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment which will separate the chairman and CEO positions for the leadership of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
Election results, bearing The U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Seal, reveal that 3,315 tribal members voted for the change while 1,014 voted against the measure.
“I am extremely pleased that nearly 77 percent of the voters chose to approve the constitutional amendment to separate the chairman and CEO positions,” said Director D.J. Hoffman who originally introduced the amendment for consideration back in 2007. “This change will enable the tribe to employ a (non-elected) tribal administrator that will provide managerial oversight for tribal government operations, and effectively enable the removal of ‘tribal politics’ from the day-to-day business of the tribe.”
Hoffman indicated the amendment will allow the tribe to set up a system similar to the one that operates in the City of Sault Ste. Marie. The mayor and commissioners are elected to office, but they essentially provide oversight and policy direction for the city manager — allowing that individual to conduct the city’s business within those guidelines.
“The tribe’s organizational structure and management system will be able to provide for a strict separation of policy-making and management functions, and also provide for clear lines of authority within the organization,” said Hoffman. “Ultimately, this will ensure stability and accountability for membership services, provide a more stable environment for employees, and move the Sault Tribe progressively forward.”



    The WOODEN NICKEL AWARD Goes to Unit 1 Dictator Bernard Bouschor's $268 Million Dollar Plus give away to his long time friends Gatzaros, Papas and their Wife’s . . . . . . . Setting the wheels in motion for Greektown Casino to fail before it even started . . . . . . . . Leaving the Sault Tribal Members in a mountain of debt and law suits . . . . . . . . Unit 1 Director Bernard Bouschor continues his lies in the Sault Tribe News Paper ( WIN AWENEN NISITOTUNG)!

Nickel Recipients

  • Unit 1 Dictator Bernard Bouschor
  • Tribal Chairman Joe McCoy
  • Unit 1 Director Debra Pine - 2


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    Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians

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