The Sault Tribe Facts is pleased to announce our 40,000th hit on the site. Without you, the viewer this milestone would not be possible. We would like to personally thank all the viewers and contributors to the site.
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In Memory Of All Our Fallen Soldiers

Gifts Of Greed?

I have a feeling Mr. Grondin is on to something real big here. A million dollar gift? Or more 2% fraud? Who knows? Think about it. Mr. Grondin asserts many things in his email below. Therefore we must examine the facts. Below Mr. Grondins email, is a brief summary of the events he speaks.TG Wrote:Hospital has already begun construction. Like everything else it seems it's okay to begin, thinking the deal will go through like the abortion on the lake. Property valued at a million dollars would damn near bring us out of debt. It's one thing giving money and property to local units of government but to private corporations!!!!!!!!!!!!Still pouring the footings in below freezing weather?????? Forgot it's Skanska!!!!!! Walls will crack the first year. Has any tribal member ever seen the rental agreement that lead us to giving the property away in the first place? Is there still an agreement and will this administration tell us what it is? Like pulling teeth I can't get a call returned so I've decided to bring out the big guns.News publications that we provided documentation too helped bring down the Autocratic Bernard Bouschor Administration, are certainly willing to expose what we have going on in this one. The misuse of 2% funds is a good start. I was hoping the FBI would catch a cold but again it looks like there's only a sniffle. This 2% misuse can be put on many shoulders. The Governor put in place a 2% compact that is not being administered. The compact was supposed to prevent what is happening now.Won't look to good when they find out our tribe has been giving 2% money to Hannaville when Hannaville has their own. Our tribal construction is making deals with private contractors for fill dirt and won't answers my questions about it. Tribal Construction is supposed to be a "for profit" business. I asked in writing for documentation of equipment rental, agreement between tribe and private contractor to haul dirt ten miles when we could have hauled it 1/4 mile to our own pit and resold it for fill, but request went unheard.I think being ignored and giving that air of arrogance (thought of being untouchable) is the driving force behind my drive to expose corruption. Trying a little diplomacy and allow the tribal leadership to resolve the issue themselves doesn't work. I think I've been more than patient.TG
The Ground BreakingMay 28th 2008. http://www.stignacenews.com/news/2008/0605/front_page/001.htmlAaron Payment, Fast Fred Paquin, and Cousin Keithie sinking a shovel in the ground. Keep in mind that on 12-12-08 it was announced in the Town Crierthe US Senate approved the transfer of the aforementioned property in St. Ignace.http://www.mackinacislandnews.com/news/2008/1212/front_page/050.htmlThis was a near ONE MILLION dollar gift to the County from the Tribe. Not 2%, but free land valued at near ONE MILLION dollars. Not one single benefit for the Tribe or the Membership. This near ONE MILLION dollar gift could certainly be used to offset the current deficit the Tribe has.It Will Last ForeverDid these mental midgets Paquin, Payment, Bouschor and all their cronies think that time would never catch-up with them? Apparently. For years the Sault Tribe has been under the direction of incompetent business people. Over 33 failed business and counting. With information control they hid the true facts and figures from the Members throughout the autocratic government. What shameful behavior by these so-called Leaders. Professional scam artists to say the least. Greed at it’s best. Skanska ???

They were also in charge of the abortion dubbed the mistake on the lake. Cracks in concrete are nothing new to their jobs. The pool area at the new St. Ignace Casino is proof of that. It is suspected that the Tribe paid for this shoddy work to be redone. Poor supervision resulted in huge overruns on this project. Money that could have been put in Member services. More greed by the old guard.Autocratic Government Brought DownAfter years of toleration by the watchdog Membership, the Bouschor Autocratic Government was brought down. A series of articles published in the Detroit News brought attention to the rampant corruption in the Sault Tribe. All the key players were exposed for what they are. Then, gradually came the erosion of the Bouschor Regime.Sault Chippewa riches abused by tribe boardInformation control. Click on the image for a larger view. SAULT STE. ... Tribal members have no control over how the money is spent, are unable to hold detnews.com/specialreports/2001/chippewa/soolead/soolead.htm - Cached
The American Indian Rule: Sovereignty AbusedSault Chippewa riches abused by tribe board. Casino wealth eludes members. Information control. Tribe CEO rules with iron grip. Conflicts run deep on tribe board www.detnews.com/specialreports/2001/chippewa/index.htm - Cached 
Tom Miller
Now that Tom Miller has been exposed for the misuse of 2%, what will the Board do? Will they investigate into the possible misuse of 2% in other Units? If Miller can get away with it, why can’t anyone else? The misappropriation of Tribal funds is a removable offense. Yes this should be retroactive as well. That will encompass all Board Members since the inception of 2%.
Miller’s greed is nothing new. He thinks it’s okay for a company he has a vested interest in to bid on Sault Tribe jobs. He also is proud that he works for the BIA and sits on the Board, while others who work for the BIA can’t. Also he was one of two to vote no on terminating the delinquent Darcy Chase from the Kewadin Shores Casino. Why? Because she is a relative. The other no vote was Keith Massaway. Why would Massaway vote no on terminating a delinquent employee? Perhaps he owed her a favor for the use of the Tribal tent for the St. Ignace Football team. But there must be more to it than that.
2% Debunk
A piss poor deal from the start. One of Massaways top priorities was to secure the artifacts from Fort Debunk. The link below describes the hardships the City of St. Ignace is currently going through. At least with the Debunk money they could afford to plow the streets. No rhyme or reason why we had to have Debunk other than Massaway and his cronies from the Historical Society wanted them. Another pure waste of 2% money.
http://www.sooeveningnews.com/news/x1009171436/Council-approves-09-budgetIT IS TIME TO KICK THESE BUMS OUT! TONY GRONDIN IS RIGHT !!! 
Two Percent Fraud And Corruption At It's Finest!
Dear Mr. Markham,
Below is an e-mail I sent out a few days ago. As you can see I'm resending it with your letter below mine. I have made repeated calls to Tribal Chairman McCoy and Tribal Attorney Aaron Schlehuber without being able to speak with either. It is evident the 2% funding and compact is flawed to say the least and has been from the inception.
It also appears the State of Michigan Policing agencies are also very relaxed in their inspection and enforcement of the 2% Compact.
Tony Grondin
Dear Governor Granholm, Michigan Attorney General, Legislature and Tribal members,
Corruption at it's finest!!!!!!!!!! Seems it must run in the Miller family as Tom Miller is following in his Mothers footsteps.
Tom Miller has been distributing 2% money to the Hannahville Community for quite sometime. For those that don't know, Hannahville is outside our seven county service area and besides that Hannahville has their own 2% distribution.
I discussed this with one of our own directors in disgust and was told that each unit director decides where the 2% distribution goes in their unit. Basically saying they weren't aware of what Miller was doing. I expressed my concern stating that the entire BOD is responsible for the distribution of 2% funds according to the State of Michigan Compact. I have had a problem with the distribution in Unit 3 from the beginning being as unit 3 cousins Paquin and Massaway have had their way with it for years.
The latest fiasco just before the last election Massaway and Paquin approved distributing 2% funding for a sprinkler system in the PRACTICE football field when at the same time the school suspended the reading program.
I felt this would possibly change when Joe McCoy ousted Aaron Payment and Pat Rickley ousted Fast Freddie in the last election, but to my dismay it has not. The local unit of government in unit 3 is St. Ignace Twp. not the City of St. Ignace as the Kewadin Shores sits in the Twp.. The lions share of 2% funding has and is going to the City of St. Ignace to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.
The last 2% cycle St. Ignace Twp. applied for 2% funding in the amount of $200,000 and received $5,000. Although grateful for the $5,000 I was dismayed by the amount. I may have thought different if the request was for something other than compensation for the incompetence on the part of the Sault Tribe Elected Officials. I want it to be clear I'm speaking as a tribal member and taxpayer in St. Ignace Twp. not representing the Twp.. I also thought the Twp. would be considered for long term funding for this application but they were not. But Massaway and Paquin made sure there was long term funding in the amount of $130,000 annually for six years for a broken down Fort de Buade museum.
Our own Ojibway Museum in St. Ignace is in serious need of repair and paint and has not received any consideration. A ditch was dug by hand by local inmates in order to install a much need draining system to eleviate water problems under the Ojibway Museum. This problem was known since last year and the City waited until October to have inmates do the job. Had it been done earlier the Museum may have had some repair done on it this summer.
A year and a half ago water and sewer services were extended to the Sault Tribe reservation through St. Ignace Twp.. The water and sewer system is owned and operated by the City of St. Ignace and a deal was brokered between the City of St. Ignace and the Sault Tribe as to who would be responsible for what. It was decided the Tribe would hire the engineering firm and construction contractor. Both found to be incompetent as a result of the completion of this project. As a result of the incompetence St. Ignace Twp.was left with a $200,000 project repair bill and a road that is unsafe.
The engineering firm, U.P. Engineering and Architects, designed a system with flaws resulting in an odor problem. The odor problem complaints went to the Twp. who had nothing to say in the project to begin with. A pipeline bypass was needed to correct the odor problem. The Sault Tribe and City of St. Ignace were uncooperative in correcting this problem and the Twp. paid for the pipeline correction to the tune of $200,000. This Twp. expenditure put the Twp. in a non-compliance status resulting in the Twp. having to raise water and sewer rates. A good portion of the water and sewer users in St. Ignace Twp are tribal members. Not only did their rates go up the Tribes enterprises and Health Clinic water and sewer rates also went up.
It seems the tribe is oblivious to what is going on. Now we're finding out that there has been wide spread misuse of 2% funds. This all under the supervision of tribal attorney Aaron Schlehuber who coincidentally is from the City of St. Ignace. Schools and colleges receiving 2% funding that was illegal because they were publicly funded in the first place. Hannahville double-dipping from the 2% funding. I called yesterday to talk to Aaron Schlehuber who was not available and asked for a return call which hasn't happened. I asked coordinator Candace Blocher if I could see the 2% application for the last two years for unit 3. She said she would have to ask Tribal Attorney Aaron Schlehuber and I have not received an answer. My next written request and complaint is going to the Governor, Michigan Gaming Control Baord and U.S. District Court of the Western District of Michigan. The 2% compact with the State of Michigan is a public document to protect the public. Maybe this is another investigation for the FBI.
Tony Grondin
Two Percent Fraud, or What?CAVEAT:
This article is one of a series of editorial articles that express personal opinions and views. They are written with no pretensions to be error free. I will gladly correct substantial errors of fact. My opinions can change, depending upon my awareness of changes in factual information. It is my intent to remain focused on specific public issues, regarding the personalities involved. For all I know, all the characters are saints, concerning their private lives and other public business...
Changes may be requested by e-mailing the details topmarkham@manistique.org02/12/07
The following letter, concerning the apparent corruption of Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians gaming 2% revenue distribution, was written with the intent of pursuing the subject as an agenda item at a future Manistique City Council meeting. Manistique City Manager Sheila Aldrich's reports and communications, at the Manistique City Council meeting of 02/12/07, changed my intentions, immediately. I will not waste my breath, or the Manistique City Council's time; rather, I will say what needs to be said, here.
Beware of Sault Tribe Indian Givers Bearing Gifts
In 1996, as a Manistique City Councilman, I took exception to a great deal of misleading publicity that labelled, as a "gift", the $500,000 provided the City of Manistique, by the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. The money was used to complete the basic construction of Manistique's multi-purpose recreational building, and provide a usable ice rink.
As city councilman, I voted for the terms of a written contract that purchased the use of the facility, over a ten year period, for specific periods of time, and sold, to the Sault Tribe, the right to name the facility, and provided certain other specified consideration. I do not know if that "gift" was carried on the Sault Tribe's books as payments from the 2% of its net video slot machine revenue that it owed local governments, i.a.w. tribal gaming compacts with the State of Michigan. At the time I voted to accept the contract, beyond "gambling revenue", I knew nothing about where the 2% money came from, what it was supposed to be used for, what strings were attached beyond the contract, or if any State controls applied.
Regarding those involved, putting the "deal" together, I assumed, at the time, that the project was, primarily, the consequence of the close business relationship between Sault Tribal Board Chairman Bernard "Bernie" Bouschor and First Northern Bank President, Ronald "Ronnie" Ford, with the encouragement of other community movers and shakers that stood to gain, in some fashion.
At the time, I couldn't imagine that the Sault Tribe had nothing better to do with $500,000 of tribal money than to give it to the City of Manistique, for the recreational benefit of a few tribal members that might use the facility. In the apparent context of a confidence game, it seemed, to me, that the obvious Manistique publicity value of the "gift" spin was a "no brainer", regardless of the truth of the matter, and City Manager Housler was anyone's ""yup-yup" man", and a required partner. It was an easy sell to Manistique.
What I didn't understand was why a $500,000 "gift", that benefited so few Sault Tribe members, was acceptable to Bernie Bouschor's political rivals. What I didn't know was that the Sault Tribe, in general, benefited by the use of 2% funds to purchase benefits for Sault Tribe members. What I didn't know at the time, and still don't, was if the money used to purchase the use of the recreation building was represented, to the State of Michigan, as 2% money, to be distributed to local governments.
What I do not know, is if the apparent, and likely, accounting slight of hand, allowed the skimming of $500,000 of Sault Tribe money, for other purposes.
Over the following years, I came to understand the reason and purpose of what was referred to as "2% money". I learned to appreciate, first hand, the corrupting economic and political influence that is wielded by easy gambling money, when it is invested in a local bank presided over by the morally bankrupt. I learned what "2% money" buys, when the Sault Tribe chooses the government entities, or facilities, that it will support with discretionary "2% money", over which it has sole control to determine what "2% money grant" request is most deserving, or not.
I learned that nothing in the Tribal Gaming compacts, with the State of Michigan, suggest or state that "2% money" is to be used by the Tribe to purchase goods and services for tribal members; quite the contrary, the money is to be allocated to government entities or non-profit organizations for them to spend, as they deem necessary. According to terms of the gaming compact, no additional "payback" or "kickback" or "benefits" for Native American casino owners is implied, suggested, or required. The gaming compacts hint nothing of bribery and blackmail, as a necessary part of qualification for 2% funds.
With the progress of time, the consequences of the corrupt business dealings between Bernie and Ronnie severely crippled the bank, and cost Sault Tribe members, and other bank investors, a substantial fortune, that few people wish to acknowledge, or remember. So why should the financing of Manistique's multi- purpose recreational building be free of their corrupting influence?
At the Manistique City Council meeting of December 11, 2006, an agenda item regarding the multi-purpose recreation building was introduced by City Manager Aldrich. After a short discussion, Council voted, unanimously, to approve a $75,000 contract with the Sault Tribe, for the Tribe to purchase the use of the multi-purpose recreation building for specific periods of time, along with other consideration, for five years.
At that televised meeting, the verbally stated source of the funding was the tribal-state gaming compact mandated 2% money. No part of the Council approved written contract indicated the origin of the funds, beyond the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
Assuming that Manistique City Council members, and the City Manager, knew what they were talking about, AND, assuming my basic understanding of the origin, purpose and distribution of "2% money" is correct, why is the Sault Tribe buying services, by written contract, for tribal members, with the money bound by the state gaming compact to be distributed to local governments, or non-profit organizations of its own choosing? Assuming my understanding is correct, why is the City of Manistique selling substantial value to receive a "2% money grant", that is, by the written terms of the contract, not a grant, but payment for the contracted use of recreational facilities, and more?
Who are the current civic leaders and tribal leaders that are so brain-dead, from my perspective, that they choose to maintain a decade old perversion, into a confidence game, of a relatively benign term of the gaming compacts.
I never read that tribal members purchased the right to hunt with the new law enforcement pistols that 2% money purchased for the Schoolcraft County Sheriff Department. I never heard that the Sault Tribe purchased the right to use the county jail for a pow-wow, because they provided 2% money to help local law enforcement. I never read that the Tribe bought the right, with 2% money, to change the name of our "Bishop Baraga" park to Ronnie Ford or Bernie Bouscher Park. I have yet to read of a contract to time share the new public safety pumper truck, with 2% money. I have no reason to believe that the 2% money that has gone to LSSU, Habitat for Humanity or an animal shelter, purchased any entitlement, for any tribal members, to periods of free or contracted tuition, room and board, or pet care.
So why do I see a process corrupted in 1996, in part due to my ignorance, continue to bare the legacy of Ronnie and Bernie's "Creative Accounting 101", that gored the community so deeply? Am I a blind ol' geezer, already, whose perception of the world is the consequence of little more than senile dementia?
I understand the Manistique City Council approved contract of December 11 as the spawn of the 1996 contract, the one I voted for, some 10 years ago. It was claimed, at the time, that the one half million dollars was "2% money". Needless to say, IF the $500,000 was 2% money, and my current understanding is correct, how did the Tribe get to write it off as 2% grant money, when they used it to purchase recreational benefits for Sault Tribal members? How will the Sault Tribe account for the recent $75,000 of 2% money that it used to purchase recreational benefits for Sault Tribe members, for the next five years?
IF that 1996 $500,000 was not 2% money, then my concern is little more than knowing, for sure, that it was not credited to the gambling compact mandated 2% money allocations, and that $500,000 in real 2% money was distributed; in addition to the $500,000 the Sault Tribe used to purchase tribal recreational benefits. My same concerns apply to the $75,000 of the December 11, 2006, City Council approved contract.
It should be apparent to all, from this rant, that I admit that I was, regarding the 1996 contract, too naive and ignorant to understand the details of what I consider now, a blatant public confidence game, that I was part of. No other public official, in 1996, or later, has expressed any concern, that I am aware of, regarding the propriety of the 1996 contract, or the contract approved on December 11, 2006. To me, it is as if confidence games are a necessary and acceptable local government procedure to achieve political goals, or Manistique's elected officials are incapable of learning.
In 1996, I would never have voted, knowingly, to sell, by written contract, the use of city recreational facilities for 2% grant money. I would never have been part of a confidence game that could enable the Tribe to claim, to the State, that it distributed $500,000 in 2% money, if it didn't.
Do I know that the Sault Tribe did claim, to the State of Michigan, that the 1996 $500,000 contract purchase money was 2% grant money? No I do not. Do I "think" they did? Yes, with little doubt.
I have waited 10 years for the appropriate opportunity to speak and I am more than willing to ask, now, the questions that may alleviate any ignorance and delusions I may have acquired during that period. I hope the answers I hear make more sense than those I heard 10 years ago, and that my speculated "con by compact" is nothing more than a figment of my imagination.
To me, the 1996 contract looked like a scam, it smelled like a scam, and, in my mouth, it still tastes like a scam. To me, the 2006 contract is no better.
There is a reason for the historical control, by organized crime, of the "vice" related businesses of drugs, prostitution and gambling. I have patronized all of them, in past lives, and I know of which I speak.
Just in case the Manistique City Council, and City Manager Aldrich, fail to understand my concerns, or choose to ignore my concerns; from my perspective, the 2% money is legislated unconditional compensation for the local Kewadin Casino's impact upon the community's resources and infrastructure, under the guise of a "sovereign nation". In return, the Sault Tribe gains a government right to victimize local residents by preying upon a facet of basic human nature; the perpetual search for pleasure and thrill.
I do not like what I perceive to be the Sault Tribe equivalent of organized crime, conspiring with local leaders, to dictate to the non-tribal residents of Schoolcraft County what the Tribe will gain, additionally, in return for the 2% of net slot revenues that buys their State granted right to victimize local residents. The two written contracts are testimony to my claims. They stand as testimony to the fact that the Sault Tribe purchased substantial value for that which the Sault Tribe, and the City of Manistique, claimed to be 2% money grants, as required by the terms of the gaming compacts.
If the purpose of the 2% grants is to provide the Sault Tribe a tax-free means to purchase goods and services, for tribal members, then you have my abject apology for this public tirade, but, before my apology becomes effective, I will need far more reason than the past self-serving and vague public proclamations of civic responsibility and Sault Tribe largess.
Part of the gambling wealth generated by preying on productive members of society is used to purchase political influence to prey upon them, further. As far as I am concerned, the December 11th unanimous vote by Manistique City Council, along with the 1996 contract I voted for, were bought by the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, acting as a criminal enterprise.
The following is quoted from the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians newspaper, "Win Awenen Nisitotung", dated 01/12/07, page 7, within the article titled "Saving Anishinabeg Artifacts". I read this, at the breakfast table, on the morning of 01/15/07, one month after writing the rest of this article.
"Two percent funds are derived from the compact we signed with the State of Michigan to allow us the right to operate casinos in Michigan. The compact reads that two percent of the net revenue from the slot machines must be given to local units of governments. This money must be given freely and accounted for by the tribe as such.
You have seen the photos in the paper before. It goes for roads, fire trucks, animal shelters, sports teams and numerous community improvement projects."
I never thought, when I wrote my justified rant, that I would read a plain English statement of justification for my ire, from a Sault Tribe source, before the recent ill conceived agreement was signed by the Mayor of Manistique, Dave Peterson, and the Sault Tribe Chairman, Aaron Payment.
Peter Markham"
Since I wrote the first part of the "letter", in 12/12/06, I sought a copy of the signed 12/11/06 contract from the Manistique City Clerk's office, and from Manistique City Manager Aldrich. Every time I asked, I was told that the contract was not confirmed by personnel of the Sault Tribe.
At the Manistique City Council meeting of 02/12/07, under the agenda catchall heading of "Reports and Communications", City Manager Aldrich announced, as a simple matter of fact, that the Sault Tribe approved the agreement. No details, or reference to a signed agreement; little more than might accompany a personal agreement, sealed with a hand shake, to complete a "done deal", with everyone's understanding of the terms.
After the meeting was adjourned, I asked City Manager Aldrich where I might get a copy of the signed contract. With a guilty look on her face, she told me there was no written signed contract. Assuming I had misunderstood her, I rephrased the question. Same answer; no written contract.
Paul Olson, wearing his Pioneer Tribune "Ace Reporter" hat, spoke up and asked if the City had the money. Aldrich said it had. While I was present, I heard no mention of an amount, at anytime, during or after the council meeting, but was informed later that Aldrich had stated that the City had received $7,500.
I haven't the slightest idea whether the money was a bag of cash, check, casino tokens, how much, for what, and for whom. The City now has an amount of money, acquired under mysterious circumstances, vouched for by nothing more than the empty and vague words of Manistique city officials; that I have learned to distrust.
Regardless of whether new recreational benefits were purchased for Sault Tribe members, in 2007, by a verbal contract, with current two percent revenues, they were definitely purchased in 1996, by the terms of a written contract, with money that may have been for that purpose; or not.
Still, 10 years later, the same old shell game.
During the "Reports and Communications" agenda item, of today's Manistique City Council meeting, City Manager Sheila Aldrich stated that there were "no strings" attached to the $75,000 two percent gambling revenue to be used to finish the kitchen of the multipurpose recreation building. There was no comment by any council member.
I have no idea what happened to the consideration documented in the contract signed by Mayor Dave Peterson. Perhaps I imagined all that I wrote of and no explanation is due, regarding the most recent verbal agreement spoken of this evening. Why the sudden difference, compared to the last two written versions, that documented what the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians were purchasing with the two percent money, instead of distributing, freely?
Would the State of Michigan care to fill in the details, so conveniently omitted at tonight's council meeting, that changed apparent fraud to appropriate compensation, by evading the responsibility to state the reasons for the changes from the documented agreement? Had I not spoken up, would the residents of Schoolcraft County have to submit to continued bribery, or
blackmail, to get what was due?
How easy it is to maintain the fiction of responsible, moral, ethical and law abiding officials, by ignoring the details of public responsibility.
© 2007