Native Artisan Vendors Only In cooperation with the following Anishinaabek nations: Last Updated June 23, 2008 PhilBellfy at Deadline: July 7 Yep below you will see Aaron Payment at his finest on his personal website. Payment will use anything and everything in his path of destruction. Below is a post on FORMER CHAIRMAN Aaron Payments blog. Below that is another post from someone who was there.Monday, July 28, 2008
Joe McCoy On The Record
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bahweting Gathering Place
Batchawana 1st Nation: 705-759-0914, ext. 147
Laura at: 906-632-7494
Batchewana Bay Mills Garden River Sault Tribe
Registration Form (PDF), July 11, 2008
Greektown Mayhem
Greektown Casino reports falling revenue
Greektown Casino’s revenues fell to its lowest since 2001, the first full year the casino was open.
The casino, which filed for bankruptcy protection on May 29, reported revenues of $23.2 million for the month of June, the lowest of Detroit’s three casinos. Greektown reported $23.2 million, down from $28.5 million in June 2007.
Greektown spokesman Roger Martin said customers had the mistaken perception that the casino was closed immediately after it filed for bankruptcy protection at the end of May.
“The fact is we have remained open for business as usual, winners are getting paid without delay, and we urge people to come on down because the action and fun continue,” Martin said, adding that construction on I-375 has ended, which makes the casino more accessible.
Only MGM Grand Detroit’s revenues were up. It reported $48.7 million in June, up from $38.6 million of June 2007.
Revenues for Motor City were also down this June over the same month last year. It reported $38 million, down from $42.3 million in June 2007. Tuesday, July 08, 2008
BOD Officers Installed
The Facts would like to thank Director McKelvie for his long 4 years of service while Vice Chairman under the trying times of the Payment regime.
DJ Hoffman: Secretary
Cathy Abramson: TreasurerSunday, July 06, 2008
When Will It Stop?
News Flash!!!
Payment has managed to use everyone to include, Elders, Children, Women, His own Relatives, Cultural, Disabled, and Employees. He will stop at nothing and fail to except defeat. He like his friends Lumsden and Hatch will try to slide in the Tribes backdoor. We must keep these tyrants out and keep an eye on Bouschor right now. Where was FORMER CHAIRMAN Aaron Payment for the Grand Entry today?
From FORMER CHAIRMAN Aaron Payments blog
July 05, 2008
Sault Tribe Historical Event 08
After grand enrty at our annual homecomg pow wow, the pow wow committee asked for the Chairman to do the welcoming.
No show.
Then they asked for a Board member. No show. How disrespectful.
For the last 12 years, I have never missed a grand entry.
This is what the next few years has in store for us.
Posted by aaronpayment at 07:23 AM USING CULTURE FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES
Below was posted on the Internet to a large group of recipients.
On Sun, 7/6/08, Jim Smith
From: Jim Smith
Once again Aaron Payment is putting out lies- Friday night the pow-wow committee dedicated that time to the Veteran's and the community. There was a Grand Entry at 7:00 and no, Joe McCoy was not there; they called for a board member and Lana Causley did go up to do the welcoming, it was a pow-wow committee member that made the decision that the welcoming they did was good enough and did not allow Ms. Causley to do a welcoming. Joe McCoy was there Saturday to open the Pow-wow and welcome everyone that had come to join in either participating or watching. He did a very good job and let everyone know what a historical event this was-not only was it Independence Day weekend for the US, it was Independence Day Weekend for the Great Nation of Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
Did Payment's website also include the fact that Chairman McCoy attended the Traditional Chief's Feast on Wednesday evening? This is a traditional feast that has been going on for years and years and has always been a part of our traditional way. No other Chief in the recent history of Sault Tribe has ever physically attended this feast. Mr. McCoy skipped the big celebratory party that was planned for him after the installation to be in attendance at this feast. He and his son spent hours in the lodge receiving teachings from those that truly walk and do not give our culture lip service or the proverbial "feather in the cap" role Payment always has.
Not sure where Payment got his information, he was not in attendance at any of tribal events, only time we have seen him is when he was "protesting" .Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Will McCoy Deliver?
Chairman Elect Joe McCoy has his hands full trying to correct Payment and Bouschors mess. Payment and Bouschors business expertise, got us where the Tribe is today. Chairman Elect McCoy knows that all the problems caused cannot be resolved in a short period of time.
There will be some tough decisions to be made. Much of the Old Guard is still here today, and of course we have the New Guard Payment created in his short tenure. Some Upper Management MUST be terminated and the duplicate positions have to go. We need those front line people to provide services to our customers, not the ones standing around upstairs or not even showing up. They know who they are.
We need diversification not digression. There are so many opportunities out there that the Tribe could invest in to enhance Membership Services to all. The long road ahead is just began. We must stay vigilant with the New Board and Chairman like we have all along.
Will Aaron Payment show-up for the change of guard tonight? Probably not. If it doesn't benefit him personally or politically, he's not interested. Of course he didn't show-up.
Good luck to the new inductees. You will all be closely watched.